Knowledgebase Contents
This section of the knowledgebase provides information on the latest enhancements and changes to services and the portal.
November 2024
Improved visibility and management for support tickets
This is due to:
– descriptions for the status of each ticket
which explain whether it is in progress, solved etc.
– a colour system (green, amber, red) which makes the ticket’s level
of urgency clear straight away
Improved BGP Session configuration
Improved’s integration with PeeringDB and added clearer error messages to further streamline the BGP configuration part of the IP-Transit wizard.
Improved VLAN validation for multi-service ports
Reworked VLAN ID validation to cover multi-service ports more completely.
Introduced ASN statistics sourced from BGP Tools
We launched our first version of BGP Tools integration, showing statistics for’s ASN, 5405 in the Portal.
October 2024
Ticket integration in the Portal:
Customers can now get an overview of all of their support tickets inside the portal
Improved bandwidth choices when ordering on top of a LAG:
When ordering on top of a LAG, available bandwidth choices now include options that fit better redundancy-focused LAG setups
Improved visibility of Ports:
ID of the port is now more visible, making it easier to map a port to the invoice item.
Allow clearing location search box:
Search box can now be cleared between searches, improving usability when searching multiple addresses
August and September 2024
Easier to explore the portal before providing company details:
Completing the company profile is no longer required until the users wants to place an order. The increases transparency by allowing anyone to log in and see our services, locations, and prices.

New dashboard statistics:
It is now possible to view the connectivity stats for AS5405 inside the customer portal. This increases transparency by allowing our customers to see we are constantly improving the connectivity of AS5405.
Superior handling of the provisioning of IP-T with prefix-limit of 0: can now accommodate customers who have no IPv4 requirements, only IPv6
Aggregated billing improved visibility: has improved the visibility of aggregated billing within the Portal. Customers can now see which serves are part of the same aggregated bill.
July 2024
Aggregated Commit/Billing:
An optional feature that when enabled, allows multiple IP-Transit or IP-Access services to pool their committed data rate and billing together; leading to dynamic sharing of the commit between the services – which helps to create more flexibility, due to having dynamic environments which can optimize their bandwidth usage across different ports, services and regions.
Made API easier to access:
The portal now has links now to Knowledgebase documents and it is easier to access the API itself through the portal too.
Updated privacy policy to include the Google Search API integration for Address Search:
We’ve recently updated our privacy policy to include our usage of anonymous Google API calls for better location matching.
June 2024
Users can show/hide decommissioned services:
Previously decommissioned services were shown along side active services. This lead to some confusion and now decommissioned services are hidden by default, and an option is available to make them visible.
Improved portal layout on mobile devices:
Our portal has been responsive since its early days, but different screen sizes bring different challenges with the layout. During June, we improved the way the portal looks on mobile devices in order to improve the experience when using mobile to view or order services.
May 2024
Support for 100G-LR1 optics:
These days, LR1 optics have become a valid alternative optic choice for customers looking for more flexible, denser or future-proof high-bandwidth setups. has evaluated compatibility with the platform and enabled QSFP-100G-LR1 transceiver support in the platform, offering a scalable alternative option for setups that require this type of transceiver. 100G-LR1 is now available upon request.

Commits higher than 400Gbps in LAG bundles
Ports and LAGs(=bundles of ports) show up as clearer entities
A couple of interesting improvements for multi-port (LAG) services happened in May, based on customer feedback. Services on top of multiple ports (LAGs), can now be ordered with commits in excess of 400Gbits, which allows for better link utilization when operating on a Link Aggregation Group. While there, we improved how these services show up in the service detail page to make distinguishing ports from LAG bundles easier for customers with multiple installations.
Contract term now visible in Service Overview
When in Service Overview for an installed service, all services note the initial contract period in the overview, as set in the relevant contract.
April 2024
Customers can now order Link Aggregation Groups:
If a single link doesn’t provide enough capacity to meet a customer’s demand, they can now order multiple links of the same speed and have them grouped together, and they will work together as if they are a single higher speed link. Customers can then place higher bandwidth orders against this higher speed link. For example, if a customer does not have 400Gbps capable equipment, they can order 4x 100Gbps ports to create a single 400Gbps LAG port. The customer can then order services with up to 400Gbps of bandwidth on this special LAG port.
AS-SETS are now optional:
For small IP Transit customers who do not have an AS-SET, it is now possible to place order for the Portal and API for an IP-Transit service without an AS-SET. In this case the customers AS number will be used to generate prefix lists.
Add “sync from peeringDB” option:
Customers with PeeringDB accounts can now choose this option when ordering IP-Transit via the Portal or API. When this option is selected will automatically sync the IPv4 prefix limits, IPv6 prefix limits, and AS-SET details from the customer’s PeeringDB page every day. This removes the need for customers to manually update their prefix limits or AS-SET name changes with
March 2024
BGP Route Advertisement Options:
When creating a new IP-Transit service, customers can now select the type of routes they would like to receive over the BGP session to better fit their equipment. Options supported now are: Full Routing Table (’s view of the internet), Default Route only (a route to’s network), or Full Routing Table and Default Route. This enables resource-constrained equipment to enable BGP sessions with’s network.
Single-service ports:
When creating a new service, its port can now be configured as “untagged”, so that no vlan configuration is needed in customer equipment. This makes it even quicker to set up a new service.
Extension services in Dashboard:
Ordered & Provisioned Extensions are now visible in the dashboard under their own tab. This means customers can manage their locations more easily because they see them straight away.
Optic Light Levels in Ports:
When in service details, optic light levels on the side are now visible for each port, making it easier to debug connectivity issues if they ever arise. This information is valuable during setup when connectivity is checked, however, it is also important for daily monitoring.
Reworked Location Selection:
When creating a new service, a new, cleaner location selector is now available. The location selector now has three sections ( locations, Extension locations, and Coming soon), greatly improving visibility.