A Day in the Life of Inter.link’s Chief of Staff
August 21, 2024

Mona Stussig is Inter.link’s Chief of Staff and in this article she explains what a typical day is like in her role, along with sharing some of the keys to success.


When people hear the title “Chief of Staff,” they often aren’t quite sure what it entails. Unlike more traditional roles, the responsibilities of a Chief of Staff can vary significantly from company to company, depending on the organization’s needs and structure. 

For me at Inter.link, the role is centred around ensuring that everything we do is efficient and strategically aligned with our company’s goals. I work closely with our CEO, I focus on financial/business case planning, and I am continuously reviewing, designing, and executing improvements to our organizational structure to keep us agile and effective. 

In addition, I oversee strategic business initiatives, guiding them from development through to successful execution. I lead our business operations function, including People & Culture and Finance.  

As the Chief of Staff at Inter.link, my role is a multifaceted one. I am involved in every aspect of the business, from analyzing financial KPIs and preparing investor reports to supporting recruiting and culture-building efforts, planning our next company offsite or jumping into legal paperwork. My role requires me to be a generalist—able to jump into any function as needed and keep things moving forward.  


No two days are the same for me, but there is one constant: my morning meeting with our CEO Theo Voss. This meeting is where we align on priorities for the week, discuss what’s on the horizon, and determine where feedback or intervention is needed. It’s a time to ensure that we’re both on the same page, strategizing on how best to steer the company forward. 

After this meeting, the day can go in any number of directions. Here’s a glimpse of what a typical day might look like: 


  • Start the day with the daily meeting with Theo. We discuss everything from upcoming projects to last-minute changes in strategy. This is where we set the tone for the day and the week ahead. 
  • Answering mails, slack messages and getting some topics off my to-do list. This can be anything from an escalation mail to preparing a company presentation or cross reading a contract. This is my time to get some operational topics done before jumping into meetings for the day.  
  • Weekly fix touch base with People & Culture. We might discuss progress on our latest recruitment efforts or how to tackle a new initiative to improve employee engagement. 


  • Lunch and getting some fresh air. Inter.link is a remote work company, so working remotely from home I need to make sure I leave the house during the day and get some movement.  


  • Time for some back-to-back meetings starts. Those can range from internal sparring sessions on a communication strategy to having a monthly check-in meeting with a partner. Being able to shift gears quickly is crucial. 
  • I carve out some focus time to tackle deep work. If I dive into the financials, I spend time analyzing last month’s financial KPIs, identifying trends, and preparing an investor report that will keep our stakeholders informed and confident in our direction. 
  • A quick end-of-day review marks the end of a successful working day. I check in on progress, update my task list, and make sure that nothing critical has slipped through the cracks. I also prepare for the next day’s meeting with Theo, ensuring I’m ready to hit the ground running. 


In a role like mine, organization is key. I need to keep track of numerous work streams simultaneously, making sure that nothing falls through the cracks. This requires a high level of organization, not just in managing tasks, but also in managing time. I schedule focus time for specific topics to ensure that I can dive deep into complex issues without distraction. 

Flexibility is just as important. I need to be able to jump from high-level strategic discussions to detailed analyses and then back again. Communication is also critical. Whether it’s providing feedback to a team member, discussing strategy with Theo, or negotiating with a vendor, being clear, open, and effective in communication is a must. 


Being a Chief of Staff means thriving in an environment where no two days are alike. It’s about balancing the strategic with the operational, the high-level with the detailed, and the urgent with the important.

This is a role that requires flexibility, organization, and strong leadership, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Every day is an opportunity to make a tangible impact on the company’s success and to ensure that we’re moving forward together, aligned and focused on our goals.  

Ultimately, as I assist our company in achieving its goals, I know that this means that our customers can get more flexible and sustainable connectivity to achievemove their businessgoals.