
Alison Jaina shares her story as a woman 
in telecoms

Written by Scott McKenzie | Apr 19, 2024 9:28:14 AM

Alison Jaina is Head of Global Channel & Alliances at This year on International Women's Day, she shared her experience as a woman in the telecoms industry, discussing how she got started, challenges she has faced, and giving advice for women considering a career in the tech industry.

Had you always wanted to work in technology?

No, not at all. I originally planned to work in a family-owned company. When my career was beginning in 2000 (at the age of 22) the dot-com/tech/telecoms industry was attractive, very much in the news, and rapidly growing. 

I landed my first position at the very early stage start-up company in Europe which would become Equinix.  Taking this risk paid off, and I was excited about working together with young entrepreneurs and having the possibility travel and experience international business. Since then I’ve never wanted to work in a different industry.

Are there challenges you faced working as a woman in this field?

There were sometimes challenges, but nothing that I wasn’t able to overcome.   The industry (like some other industries) has a pervasive bro-culture.  At times in my career there were pay and promotion disparities between myself and male colleagues.  I’ve also probably fetched more coffee and taken more meeting minutes than most male counterparts.

And on some occasions I received 
man-splaining when I wanted mentorship. Emails where I am one of the recipients which start with Gents/Gentlemen admittedly touch a nerve. Times have changed very much, and are getting even better still. Thankfully, the positives in my career have always overridden any negatives.  

Do you think there are enough opportunities
for women in the tech field?

Of course there are enough opportunities for women in this industry, but more support is needed.  Hopefully more women get into senior positions and management.  

Just look at the tech and telecoms industry in parts of Asia where significantly more women are in engaged. This is possible in Europe too and needs to start with attitudes in the home and teaching girls tech and giving them the confidence to pursue this. 

What advice would you give to a woman considering a career in the tech industry?

Be fearless, speak your mind, and learn about negotiation. Listen carefully, take a pause and then speak.  Read, read, and read. Keep up with latest technology trends and understand how technology can look in example business case studies.  

Hold your ground in discussions.  Find your allies, build your network circle, and help each other.  Stay close to positive-minded people who want to achieve something.  Know your red-lines and don't cross them. Also, invest wisely and find ways to grow wealth and independence outside of your job.  Tech and telecoms is a fabulous industry to be in, but is not without changes, restructuring, and turbulence.

Would you have done anything differently?

If given the chance to do things differently, I would still have done almost everything the same.  

However, I am acutely aware I prioritized my work over my son and family when he was a young child. That was a high price to pay. I relied on other women: nanny, cleaner, and help from friends.  

In later years, I am fortunate my son's Dad has transformed from being a strong believer in traditional family role models to someone who embraces equal co-parenting responsibilities, and is making a wonderful job of it. 

What are some of the most rewarding aspects of your job? is a busy, international tech/telecoms start-up and an uncomplicated and supportive place to work.  Being at is not just a job, the atmosphere is warm and everyone of all backgrounds are accepted.

Next-level technology, and a drive to support sustainability and social responsibility are factors that make a great working experience.

 What is most rewarding is realizing that I have learned something new or have been able to support or make a difference to someone else.  I greatly value working with colleagues who are intelligent, eloquent, nerdy, and witty, and it has been exciting to see how our diverse experiences compliment the business.